Posts lazy-seqs from database with clojure korma

lazy-seqs from database with clojure korma

As you may know, I’ve started in a new company last early this month. It is being a huge change in all aspects, technology, people, process, environment, etc.

Well, this week I wanted to migrate some data (900k rows) from a MySQL database to a Postgres one. @felipejcruz recommended py-mysql2pgsql, but I wasn’t able to put it to run with dependency - or whatever that messages were - errors. Then I tried SQLFairy, but does not migrate data, just the schema ddl and other cool features (worthy features). I ended up doing this administrative task with clojure and korma, with few functional concepts to handle the entire data set as if it was in memory.

The flow is: select everything from mysql, insert every thing into postgres. No transformation, no mapping, just select, insert. Take a look at the code:

It looks more like a script than any other complex program. Korma’s defdb and defentity are used to connect to databases and define its entities. Note that there are no mappings from columns or any boilerplate annotations/codes. And since the source table and destination table are equal, it is great. But what if I wanted to transform the data model? I could use the transform to change the shape of the data.

Then you see fetch-every. It wraps a korma select with two arguments, one for limit, one for offset. So, the query can be reused at any time.

Due to the volume in the scenario, I couldn’t simply fetch all data and the insert all at once. I needed to paginate. But deal with pagination right in the code the is inserting and getting more data, sucks.

Clojure offers the excellent lazy-seq function and allows for creating laziness from anywhere. In this case, my lazy sequence is a sequence of pages. Although possible to have infinite ones, this sequence has an end. The end of sequence os reached right after the last row was read. See the when-let in the code.

It is what extract-every does. extract-every actually can execute any query since it is represented by a function that takes two arguments, one for limit, one for offset (fech-every in this case). If we call (extract-every q 20) it will limit the result in 20 rows with a offset of 0. So the head is the 20 rows representing the results, and the tail is a lazy seq of etract-every with a limit of 20 and a offset of 20.

The comes persist, the simples function in the code. It simply takes a v as argument and persists the data in the target database. It also prints the last tow saved for recovery purposes.

Wrapping up, are the map, or pmap functions. Remember that map applies its first argument to every entry of its second argument. So, it is simple to assemble (map persist (extract-every 1500)). It will save to the target database every 1500 rows or any other amount of rows.

It took 5 to 10 minutos to write the code and start the migration.

Just to play around, try:

    (defn until-ten
        ([] (until-ten 0))
        ([n] (when (<= n 10) (cons n (lazy-seq (until-ten (inc n)))))))

It returns from 0 to 10, being a finite lazy sequence just like the source data set. One can use take-while to limit the results of a lazy-seq. You can compute really big sets using the laziness approach.

Hope it may be useful.

Update - Apr 7 2012: Although an interesting and working solution, this code is not that functional. First of all, because it does I/O, but there is something that could be fixed to have a better “purity”. map or pmap produce new sequences. Sequences full of nils in this case, because persist returns nil. The only advantage is the use of pmap, to run it in parallel, but it is still weird to have resulting seqs of nils.

A way to solve this bizarre code is using doseq instead of map or pmap. It is a function that can bind each value of a seq and executes its body:

    ;;using until-ten
    (doseq [i (until-ten)]
        (println "Printing " i))

    ;;using korma
    (doseq [page (extract-every fetch-every 20)]
        (persist page))

In this case, doseq does not retains the head of sequences, so there is no seq with tons being produced.

Thanks to everyone around the world visiting this blog. See you!

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